Bathcenter Blog

How To Choose My Bathroom Suite
How To Choose My Bathroom Suite
Do i need waterproof bathroom furniture?
Do i need waterproof bathroom furniture?
How To Choose Your Bath
Bath Size, Handing & Ordering Information
Looking for Quality Bathrooms in Chesterfield?
It’s safe to say that your bathroom is one of the most important rooms in your home. It is a private, quiet space where you can wash and relax. It’s also somewhere which will often require a lot of storage! 
Top 5 Freestanding Baths – All under £1000
When you have made the decision to buy a freestanding bath, it helps to know what to look out for. Here at we have selected our Top 5 best selling baths that are all under £1000. All these Freestanding Baths are acrylic, so already your...